It’s been extremely hot this summer and I find that when my kids are inside they get bored and start snacking on things. I try to keep as many healthy snack options available to them as I can but this can get difficult when they want things like popsicles. So I started to brainstorm for easy kid friendly snack ideas that involved fruit. My kids love California Grapes so I decided to see how well these little round balls of sweetness would freeze. I soaked them in water for a few minutes and then placed them on a cookie sheet for about 2 hours and they came out perfect! The whole family loved these frozen treats so I decided to think of different ways to make these more like a popcisle you would buy in the store. So I came up with the Sour Grape Popsicle Sticks Recipe and my kids love it!
Here’s what you need:
1 Pound of Green or Red Grapes (We used Red)
1 Package of Lemon-Lime Koolaid Mix
2-3 Tablespoons of Sugar or Sugar Substiute (Like Splenda)
Popsicle Sticks
1. Wash the grapes well and then soak in a bowl of water for a few minutes.
2. While the grapes are soaking mix the packet of koolaid and sugar together on a flat plate.
3. Next place about 4-5 grapes onto a popsicle stick.
4. Roll the grapes over the kool-aid mixture until coated. This is a sour mix so the more you use the more sour it will be.
5. Place on a cookie sheet and freeze for at least 2 hours.
6. Eat and Enjoy!
Grapes are a great snack because they are healthy, portable and can be used in a variety of recipes. Try them frozen or check out for more recipe ideas.
Disclosure: Thanks to the California Table Grape Commision and Family Review Network for providing me with a cookbook and $10 in order to buy grapes to come up with my snack. All opinions expressed are my own.